My time at Inlet Grove
SIGN OF SUCCESS: On Mrs. Millington’s Web Design classroom wall.
I really loved this semester since it is my last semester at Inlet Grove and I am graduating. Even though I liked this semester, it wasn’t easy at all. I struggled at the beginning of the semester, the classes seemed difficult to me and I didn’t understand anything that was being taught to me, except Spanish 02. For example, in Web Design I received so many bad grades that I was going to drop out of the class, but the teacher helped me, and I started to understand more of the subject.
Spanish 02 was the class that I loved the most because it wasn’t stressful and the work was easily understood. I wished all my classes were like that.
When I found out I had Journalism I wanted to change the class immediately, because when I hear journalism, I instantly think about writing, and I absolutely hate writing of all kinds. By the time I wanted to change the course it was too late, but later on I was glad that I didn’t change it because there is more to journalism than I thought. For example, one can be a photographer, going around the world and taking photos of things that have happened, or one can be an editor, checking the writing, and also you can be an editorial cartoonist.
Overall, I had the best four years of my life at Inlet Grove. During these four years, I’ve learned a lot, and not just school-wise. I’ve learned to manage my time better, learned not to slack during freshmen year, learned how to work with others, and most importantly put my best effort into everything I do.

Hello! My name is Negela Jean-François and I’m a senior at Inlet Grove Community High School. This is my first time taking a Journalism course. ...