Senior year (What they don’t want you to know)

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When some of us were younger in high school, we couldn’t wait to be seniors and do the things that seniors do. Spoiler alert! Being a senior isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Some people see it as this being the last year in high school, and that we will soon be leaving and going into the world as adults.
But this isn’t necessarily the case.
Firstly, senior year is more about getting done whatever you have left to accomplish before graduation. If you succeed, great. If not, you may be here the next year.
Unfortunately, some of us may be repeating our senior year with the following class.
Senior year isn’t the funnest or easiest year. It is the most time-sensitive year.
The last year of high school is where some students may have to work their hardest.
Students will have to balance school, sports and/or work with their regular lives at home, as well as find time to fill out college applications and apply for scholarships.
This isn’t just your last year for school, it’s your last year to get done with high school.
In order to graduate you have to meet certain requirements, meaning completing certain classes with a number of credits as well as certain electives; also complete an online class with community service hours.
If one doesn’t meet these requirements they may just be a senior twice. Talk about dejà vu.
The time when we could choose whether or not to do homework, and when failing a class just meant spending another semester with your favorite teacher, are over for us seniors.
Our lives are about to change forever once we walk across that stage.
Well, most of us anyway.