Why soccer?
Soccer is a cultural sport. In America, a lot of people fail to understand why it’s important. Yet in our school many people seem to love it.
“I play soccer because it’s fun,” said Woody Andre, a junior in the Culinary Academy. “I love the rush I feel when playing it.”
There are many reasons why people love soccer, but a primary factor is because it’s part of our diverse international cultures.
Soccer is not a sports people wake up one day and say, “Hey I want to try soccer.” Some play because it’s comprehensive. It not only requires you to think fast and use remarkable ability to play the game.
“It showed me the principles of life,” said Michael Nuñez, a junior in Pre-Engineering, “which for me is being a leader, being patient, never giving up, and winning and losing.”
Denise Leak, a junior in the Medical Academy, said she enjoys soccer “because I wanted to challenge myself in a new sport and thought soccer was the perfect sport for me.”
Although soccer is a sport some students seemingly do not care about, it is so more than some think it is.
“I feel alive and reborn every time,” said Chris Hernadez, “ready to do great things and make history.”
The soccer team at our school is more than just a team, it’s a family that goes through everything together.
“Soccer means the world to me, it’s my home,” said Jordan Hall, captain of the girl’s team. “Without soccer, I wouldn’t be Jordan. Soccer has taught me everything and has shaped me into the person I am today.”
So the real question we should be asking is: Why not soccer? It’s a sport played all around the world. So why is it important to only a handful of people in America?

Hi, I'm Ruth (also called Ruthie), a senior in the Medical Academy. A little about me is I love taking photos, and I'm a very active person, so when people...