Blue vs. White Scrimmage
Produced by Donovan Gilbert, digital design student
Just hours away. Counting down to the Hurricanes’ Blue and White Scrimmage at 2 p.m. on May 29.
May 27, 2015
Inlet Grove Community High School Football team will kick off the season with the Blue vs. White scrimmage game set to take place Friday, May 29 starting at 2 p.m.
The scrimmage will be under the direction of Coach Terry Bradden and will involve the entire IGHS football team.
“The purpose of the Blue vs. White game is so the football team learns the fundamentals of the game, get more involved within the school, and to encourage all IGHS students to show up for the first football game,” said Coach Bradden.
Other scrimmage activities will include bounce houses, vendors and more. There also will be food for sale.
The Hurricanes’ official first game of the season will take place on Aug. 21.
From high school to college, most football teams have a scrimmage before the actual first kickoff game.
A scrimmage is a practice game rather than an official game in American football, hockey and other team sports. A scrimmage doesn’t count as a regular season game, but helps the team learn what to do in a real game.
“I don’t really know much about last year’s football season because I wasn’t in the picture,” Coach Bradden said. “I plan to bring more energy. Care more for the team. Focus on winning the first game so we could win the second game and many after. I also want to encourage the team that they all can do it with hard work and dedication.”
“I want everyone that comes out for the Blue vs. White game to just really have a good time and also get involved in all the other activities we will have out on the field.”