Know Your Staff: Mr. Dorvil
CULTURE CRAZY: Mr. Dorvil is both the ESOL contact person and sponsor of the ESOL club at Inlet.
Mr. Dorvil, the English for Speakers of other Languages (ESOL) contact person at Inlet Grove, has been working at the school for 14 years, since August 2004.
“I enjoy working here because of the quality of staff,” Mr. Dorvil said, “and the quality of students we do have here.”
He helps teachers speak with students for whom English is not their native language, and also their parents.
“He assist teachers with communicating with Creole-speaking parents,” said Mathematics instructor Mrs. Williams, “and he’s great with kids.”
Mr. Dorvil is the sponsor of the ESOL Club. Members learn about different cultures, share experiences and traditions, at the same time becoming familiar with the American culture.
“Being from various nationalities and cultures,” said Mr. Dorvil, “members of the ESOL Club work to develop an awareness and sensitivity to diverse cultures.”
Members carry out an extensive plan of community work. The club will also plan cultural activities and field trips to share the members’ cultural traditions.
Students say Mr. Dorvil knows how to help kids express themselves and give them advice.
“He’s a great friend to students,” said Kelsy Jesnsy, a sophomore in the Medical Academy, “and very loving to others.”