Senior pictures ready for c/o 2020

SMILE: Class of 2020 prepare for your senior pictures,as a reminder was sent by senior class co-sponsor Mrs. Cartwright
Mrs. Cartwright, English teacher, has forwarded a remind to all teachers and upcoming seniors from Lee Santo, who is involved with Lifetime photography.
“Just wanted to give you a quick update on the senior pictures for the upcoming 2019/20 school year,” Santo said. He explained that the Prestige studio will open on June 19 for initial picture takers.
In addition, “To be more dedicated and efficient for you and your school for the upcoming school year,” Santo said, “We have dedicated our studio for Inlet Grove HS seniors exclusively” on October 16.
He said the seniors “will also still be able to set their appointments on weekends and other open dates we have to offer. Our mailers will indicate the specific dates made exclusive for Inlet Grove HS.”
Brianna Luberisse, a junior in the Journalism Academy, said “I feel as it’s beneficial and it will help seniors with time management, And to get things done earlier.”
Tsar Blanchard also an upcoming senior said ” I think that they are handling this situation better than the way they’ve handled past situations.”
He also quoted “It’s much more refreshing to see administration taking initiative for the next graduating class, but i wish that the seniors of this year would’ve gotten the chance before us.”