Not just surviving, thriving
There are about 1.38 million cases and over 458,000 deaths from breast cancer each year, according to the World Health Organization.
Assistant Principal, Ms. Pientka is a breast cancer survivor who is determined to walk her way through life.
“Getting the news that you have breast cancer is never easy,” Ms. Pientka said. “However when my doctor called me and wanted me to come in, I told her to just tell me and once I heard I had a peacefulness fall over me.”
Ms. Pientka was diagnosed with breast cancer with a BRCA (Breast Cancer) Gene mutation for five years.
She said that it runs in her dad’s side of the family and it was passed down to her by her dad. Two of her aunts also had breast cancer until they were cancer free.
When she realized that she had breast cancer, she had a placid reaction to the news, until her first day of her treatment.
“It has been five years since I was diagnosed. I just recently had my tumor tested and found out that I do not have to take the chemo pill any more,” said Ms. Pientka. “I then knew that I would be OK.”
She added. “It was still an ordeal to have a double mastectomy, chemo and hysterectomy, but I just took it one day at a time. It took approximately two years to go through all the recommended treatments, but I am now Cancer free.”
Ms. Pientka’s son held a fundraiser at his poker section located at the Palm Beach Kennel Club to support her financially.
“The most important thing is to have support around you, I had such a wonderful group of people supporting me throughout the whole process,” said Ms. Pientka. “Even my students at school gave me such love and care when I could be with them.”
“I was so very blessed my son’s friend put together a fundraiser and they raised over $4500.00 in one night, and it was a blessing! It cost that and more to go through this ordeal and that was just my out of pocket expenses.”

Hello! My name is Le'Anna and I'm a Senior who attends at the Architecture/ Engineering Academy. Everyone knows me by my hair and that's why one of ...