Put your thinking caps on

Mrs. Paramore the Medical instructor is taking her 2nd period class on their first field trip of the school year to Publix and Popeyes on Oct. 17.

        “The purpose of this trip is to teach students how to run a household and also how to manage their money while shopping,” said Mrs. Paramore, who’s done many things beyond her role as a medical teacher including being the mindfulness club sponsor, first priority co-sponsor, and sophomore class co-sponsor.

 “I feel like this trip is going to be educational,” said Whitney Civil who is a sophomore and cheerleader in the Medical Academy.

“I feel like this trip is going to be fun,” said Dashnika Bureau a sophomore and an SGA (Student Government Association) member in the Medical Academy.

 Mrs. Paramore teaches Health Life Management Skills. It teaches students how to make the right decisions in life to have an effective and healthy living in the future.

On this trip, the students are going to have a project. In this project they are going to make a list of items they will buy at the grocery store and see if it’s cheaper to go to the store and buy food or a fast food restaurant.

Mrs. Paramore said that the students came up with the idea of this trip.

“I really like the idea of this trip,” said Mrs. Paramore. “It gives the students a better understanding on how to manage their own money when shopping.”

“We finally get a chance to bring our own food on campus without the administration stopping us,” Dashnika said.