The rising of COVID-19 cases
COVID-19: presents an article about updates on the pandemic and how it’s affecting the world.
April 6, 2021
March 15 of 2021 marks the one year anniversary of when COVID-19 took a toll on the world, far as when students where released from school since last March. In the beginning, the spike of COVID-19 cases where increasing gradually each month, until precautions where put in place to help protect others, such as; wearing mask, proper protective equipment, and even state regulation shut downs.
Overtime, this has become the new norm to wear mask in public. It is now apart of everyday wear. However, the government and local officials have been working to produce a vaccine to reverse the after affect of what has become the new normal. The vaccine is now eligible to get ranging for adults and teens in the ages from 16 to 64.
The vaccine has been proven to be effective in a two step process, but the cases are still rising in 21 states and globally, Evidence from Jhon Hopkins University data based on a seven-day average calculated by CNBC using Johns Hopkins University data, has proven globally there are 123.53 million new cases, global deaths at least 2.72 million, and U.S cases 29.85 million. The real question now to present is the COVID-19 Vaccine really working?