Lesmyrla memories

On Dec. 8 a fatal car accident took Lesmyrla Cadet, a precious member of the Inlet Grove family. (See news reports here and here.) Below are student reflections on their friend. Readers are invited to comment, as well as to support the Lesmyrla Cadet Memorial Fund.
Those special memories of you will always bring joy in my heart. If only I could have you back for just a little while. Then we could sit and study again just like we used to do; you were always helpful in Biology. Your smile always meant so much and it always will. The fact that you’re no longer here will always cause me pain. But you’re forever in the hearts of the ’Canes, especially mine, until we meet again. – Manoucheca Benjamin, junior, Medical Academy
Lessy Baby, man we go way back to sixth grade when we figured out we had like three classes together. Sitting at the lunch table, fighting, throwing food at each other over cookies and chips that were mine then starting talking right after the argument. Each school year we got closer and closer like there wasn’t another day we fought but we made up not even 30 minutes later. We went four years strong and nobody can really tell me anything else about you other than your family. You’re the type that took school so seriously, never even missed a minute of class. I still can’t believe it was you, but we know that you’re in a better place. The thing about it is when you’re mad nobody would notice because you’re always smiling, hyped up, laughing and making jokes. #GoneButNeverForgotten. #YouWillTrulyBeMissed. #R.I.P Boo. #LessyBaby – Yolanda Gedeum, freshman, Medical Academy
Lesmyrla was a smart, funny, cool, outstanding person. She was so nice, she didn’t deserve to die. The last time I talked to her was at our bus stop Monday morning, talking about school and how she kept leaving her keys at home. I wish she was here today. Every time I think about her, I just imagine the way she laughed and her holding a bag of Cheetos in her hand. On Wednesday, I was at the bus stop waiting on the bus and I just burst out with tears because it will never be the same without her. I will never forget her … I remember the first time we met she was so nice to me, so friendly and something about her always made you smile. You can’t help but like her, she had a positive vibe. That’s how we became friends. When they told me that she got hit by a car, I didn’t believe anybody until I saw it on the news. I’m not really an emotional person, but late the other night I woke up out of my sleep crying because I had a dream that this never happened. I wish she was here with us, I miss her so much. Nothing will be the same without her. – Ta’Dajah Jones, sophomore, Medical Academy
I didn’t really know her but I remember her from Bear Lakes middle school. We also rode the same bus and lived in the same neighborhood. We always walked together with other people. It’s a good feeling, walking with people even though you don’t know them, nor talking to them. But having company feels good. I think she also felt happy having people to talk with. Lesmyrla was a very kind, sweet person and she didn’t seem rude at all. And back in middle school she was the same lovely person. When I saw her this school year, I remembered her and I knew she was a skipper since she was a grade below me. She will be missed but she will always be in our hearts. – Cristina Escobar-Cruz, sophomore, Medical Academy
Lesmyrla was kind. She was the leader in the group. When we weren’t focused she would always know how to put us back on track. People thought she didn’t have a strong voice because she was very short but she loved that even though people would judge her, they would always underestimate her. Like when we were in middle school and a tall boy was picking on her, she just started talking as if nothing happened. Even when she said two words, it felt like a hundred. She was special to everyone even if you didn’t know her. – Shellene Dor, freshman, Medical Academy
Lesmyrla was a girl with a bright future. She always tried to get good grades and pass all her tests. She didn’t deserve what happened to her. But now I know that she is in a better place and no matter how much I’m going to miss her, I’ll always try to put a smile on my face, knowing she is watching over everyone. I will never forget how strong and brave she was. She always had a solution for everything. She will be missed deeply. – Carty Alcenat, freshman, Medical Academy
Even though we barely talked, I knew that she was loved by many. The saddest part about our relationship is the fact that I never knew her name. I never asked. I regret it. She was smart, funny, and I could tell that she was headed towards a bright, fun-filled future. It is too bad that the creations of man have so many downsides. I’ve felt the pain of losing loved ones many times, so I can tell you that this is another one of those times. Family members, friends, and loved ones alike, please accept my sympathy for I now know of your loss. May she be sent to the heavens above, and forever be relieved of the burdens on this mortal world. “With her beautiful eyes of chocolate brown, may the heavens above drown within their sweet bliss.” – Jeannine Dada, freshman, Web Design
I remember when I first met Lesmyrla. We were both in eight grade last year at Bear Lakes Middle School. She was always smiling and had a great sense of humor. Then when I saw her this year, I was so excited and every day I saw her, she would always smile. When I heard the news I couldn’t believe what happened. But as we all know there is a reason for everything. May God help her family as well as friends get through this. For she may not be here with us, but she is forever in our heart. I love and miss you, Less. Rest in Paradise. – Justice Kent, freshman, Medical Academy
Even though I didn’t know Lesmyrla personally, from what I heard from teachers and students of Inlet Grove, she was a beautiful, amazing, outstanding girl who had her whole life set for her. Sadly she never got to finish, but her kindness will never be forgotten. – Monifah Bent, senior, TV & Film Production Academy
Lesmyrla was an inspiring person; she always had a good heart. Even though she was small and short she didn’t let that bring her down. She was a hard worker; she would always want people to get good grades. To me, losing her meant losing a sister. She was always there to tell me, “Child don’t you let them stand up to you, you have to be strong.” Lesmyrla you will forever stay in my heart, I know you are in a better place now. We love you. – Diana Cherenfant, freshman, Pre-Law Academy
Lesmyrla, I didn’t really know her that well, but I’d see her around. She hung out with some of my freshman friends so of course she was around me. She was a very funny and bubbly person. She would always be cracking jokes. I still can’t believe she’s gone … But she’s in a better place now. May you rest in peace Lesmyrla. God, give her family and close friends strength in this hard time. – Marly Vallery, freshman, Medical Academy
She was just so small and cute. She rode my bus and I’d sometimes glance at her because I liked her face and she made me – as short as I am – feel like a giant. I talked to her only once, but I could tell that she was sweet. When my bus turned the corner that day, I saw the ambulance and the stretcher and thought nothing of it because I see cop cars, fire trucks and ambulances almost every day. When I heard about the news and learned that it was her, I was shocked and couldn’t even get my feelings in order. And when I told my mom later what had happened, she was really hurt as if Lesmyrla was also her child. But of course she’s in a better place, living it up in paradise. – Shirley Pierre, senior, Journalism Academy

I'm Osmara, a senior in the Medical Academy. My goal is to go to college, major in Psychology and move on to medical school. In my free time I enjoy watching...

I'm Edwina Antoine, a junior in the Medical Academy, aspiring to be a sports medicine doctor and own my own business. I'm a positive and energetic person,...
Linda Janney • Dec 14, 2015 at 12:53 pm
These are beautiful and heartfelt. Don’t you wish there was a way you could share this outpouring of love with her? Remember to tell those you love how much you care. You never know what life holds.
Ms. Pientka • Dec 14, 2015 at 11:22 am
I am just so happy we have Grove Watch for our students to be able to speak their mind. It is so wonderful to see how much Lesmyrla touched our lives. God Bless her soul.
Gillian Samad • Dec 14, 2015 at 9:58 am
From the comments posted it is obvious to me that the child did her work here in this phase of her existence. Her work was done here on earth, so she transitioned to the next phase of her life. Please remember that and your pain will be eased. Her soul will now rest in peace!
McDermott • Dec 14, 2015 at 9:11 am
Really touching. We never appreciate what we have right in front of us until it is taken from us. Lesmyrla will be missed.