BEWILDERING: The Art Club visited the Norton Museum on Nov. 22, which showcased a diverse collection of creative works, each open to multiple interpretations and meanings.
Hello, I’m Jada Searles, a Senior in the LPN program. In my free time, I enjoy watching movies, playing board games and spending time with my family. Looking ahead, I aspire to become an anesthesiologist at Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine while also pursuing a part-time career as a real estate agent.
Hello, my name is Shanaya Montrose and I’m a Senior in the Medical Academy. In my free time I like reading, writing, drawing, watching shows, and trying new things. I aspire to be nurse practitioner while doing small hobbies on the side.
Hello, my name Euricka Montrose and I am a Senior in the Web Design Program. I am very introverted but once you get to know me, I am really funny, down to earth and really well to get along with. I enjoy baking and cooking, I also love the beach and watching movies. I am looking forward to this year as a Senior and after high school I am planning to go to college and major in business.
Hi, my name is Andrew, and I am a junior in the LPN program. I took photojournalism my sophomore year and have been working on photography ever since. I often read, play video games, or watch shows in my free time. My favorite subject is history and I’d be glad to help anyone with anything, excluding math.