Junior and senior need-to-knows
CLASSY CLASSES: Junior/senior elections took place on Sept. 28, 2018. Students Flo Francois, Betsy Merino, and Victoria Maurice were some of the few candidates on the ballot.
On Thursday, September 20, 2018 juniors and seniors had their first meeting of the school year.
Juniors were informed of their upcoming junior dues that are going to be $50 from Sept. 20-Dec. 22, 2018; and $60 from Jan. 7- the end of the 2019 school year.
These dues are to be paid in Ms. Mathias’s room 505 and include a discounted prom ticket, junior class events, yearbooks, and future senior dues.
As for seniors, their senior dues are $160 from Sept. 20- Dec. 21, 2018; A late fee of $10 will be applied if turned in on Jan. 1- Mar. 15, 2019; these dues are needed in order to participate in senior-related activities such as prom, Rapids, and graduation.
Senior pictures are to be done at Prestige Portraits in West Palm Beach; appointment cards have already been mailed home. If rescheduling is needed, contact Life Touch Studios at (800)-749-2796.
Herff Jones will be on campus grounds on Oct. 10, 2018 to discuss cap/gown/ring orders and packages during lunch.
Pertaining to trips, juniors and seniors are welcome to college tours.
The trips to UF, FSU, and FAMU will be overnight on Nov. 1-2, and cost $160 due by Oct. 24, 2018.
The Seaworld trip will be on Jan. 18, 2019 and costs $110; payment due by Jan. 4
The last college trip to FIU and FAU will take place on Feb. 15, 2019 and cost $50– this one is open to all classes.
For the senior’s GradBash on Apr. 26, 2019, the payment of $160 is due Sept. 20-Mar. 1, 2019. Seniors planning on attending must have the following:
If you have any questions, contact Ms. Matthias or Ms. Cartwright in rooms 505 and 508.

Hey, my name is Genesis and I'm a junior in the Journalism Academy. I'm a huge modern rock fan, and I aspire to become a film director, like Quentin Tarantino...