What’s Cooking? Texas Roadhouse
Places to try
“SADDLE UP”: Is what servers say to you if it is your birthday as you sit on their saddle stool. Texas Roadhouse is a great place to go to have a grand old time and enjoy mouth-watering food.
Ever heard of this place? Last year a few TV Production seniors were able to visit the restaurant to plan with the manager about their approaching promotion shoot to gain more customers. Many might not have heard of Texas Roadhouse because it is closer to the Royal Palm Beach area, in-fact it is across the street from the South Florida Fairgrounds (towards the back).
My first time going to Texas Roadhouse was with my parents and I, at the time still in middle school. When we arrived it was crowded and loud, we were seated at a booth, and everything was fine. I wanted to order the buffalo wings in mild but, the waitress told me that even though it was mild it was still spicy, I ignored the warning. I still ordered the wings and I regret that decision.
After that experience I was not excited to go back anytime soon. My parents and I were out and about in the Royal Palm Beach area and thought about trying the roadhouse for a second time and got the same result, not great.
A few years goes by and I am now a little bit more eager to try new things since being in the Culinary Academy, where we try almost everything we make. If you were to ask my mother about my eating habits, she will still say that I am a very picky eater, lets just say I am not as picky as I used to be.
This time being more willing, my parents and I revisited Texas Roadhouse for a redemption and was still as crowed and loud as I remembered it. We were seated and had some time to look over the menu, I noticed that the menu had more diversity in the entrees than I had thought it used to have. I even noticed they had “Texas Size Combos”, you can already guess what that might mean, maybe this phrase will help “everything is bigger in Texas!”
I walked in the restaurant with an open mind and decided to try the Grilled Shrimp with a garlic lemon pepper butter on top of a bed of seasoned rice and sides of french fries and fresh vegetables. My mother actually ordered the exact same thing! When our orders came out I was excited to be trying something different and nervous that I was going to have another bad experience. I took the first bite of the shrimp and it was the best shrimp I have had in a while, with the rice complementing the shrimp, it was a perfect pairing. That was the best experience I have had from Texas Roadhouse and that night was worth remembering.
If you do chose to go to Texas Roadhouse, I suggest to go on an empty stomach. The portions are huge and filling. The food and atmosphere are incredible with caricatures of famous country singers and NASCAR drivers hanging on the walls in the front area as you walk in. I would recommend this restaurant to anyone who wants to try different things. A fun fact about Texas Roadhouse is at certain times during the day there is a line dancing number that all available hostesses, servers, and bussers perform, that is something that you usually don’t see in a typical restaurant. The address is 8865 Southern Blvd Building E, West Palm Beach, FL 33411, is you do choose to go.
Should I start recommending a few of my other favorite places? Leave a comment down below with your opinion.

Hey, I'm Dakota, and I am junior here at Inlet Grove. A few words to describe me are rabbit lover and Disney-fanatic. I have a Labrador retriever named...