Know Your Staff: Mr. Valliere


Erna Delice

TESTING: Mr. Valliere is our testing coordinator.

Erna Delice, Editor

Mr. Valliere is the testing coordinator, whose responsibility is to organize and execute the state required testing of the students.

“I am responsible to ensure that students receive their correct testing sessions and accommodations,” said Mr. Valliere.

Mr. Valliere received a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois (Evanston borders Chicago, IL).

Mr. Valliere said he is passionate about, “guiding my daughters’ successfully into adulthood, One is a freshman at Spanish River HS and the other is a sophomore at UF.”

Before coming to Inlet Grove, Mr. Valliere mentioned that he worked in financial services, which lasted 20 years. “During my last career which lasted 20 years in financial services, I worked in the back office, in sales, on a trading desk, and as a securities principal.”

After teaching  Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry, Earth Space, Environmental Science, and Chemistry at Inlet Grove for 4 years, he said, “I decided to move into the Testing Coordinator position as a next step of my educational career.” 

He said he enjoys new challenges. “I have had several jobs in my life, because I enjoy new challenges.”

 Mr. Valliere says he loves, “Interacting with students, and assisting them with testing issues and/or conflicts (there is almost always a solution to any problem).” 

Something that makes Mr. Valliere is , “Hearing a great, good or mediocre joke and having a laugh with my friends, colleagues, and students.” 

“Sarcastic humor is my favorite, as the best punchline is one that is unexpected.”