Employee of the Month: Ms. Bonikowski
August winner
WON’T BE THE FIRST TIME: Ms. Bonikowski said she is excited to have won Inlet Grove Employee of the Month honors again.
September 20, 2021
Starting her fifth year as an Inlet Grove staff member and currently the assistant to Principal Mrs. Latson, this is Ms. Bonikowski’s second time as Employee of the Month.
“I believe the first time was in my first year here,” Ms. Bonikowski said.
She wasn’t shocked, she said, but “pleasantly surprised,” when she won this time for the month of August,
“I am truly honored to be recognized as an Employee of the Month and I am thankful for all of the nominations. It’s good to know that your colleagues appreciate you not only as a person but also for what I do to help make others’ jobs easier and also for what I do to help students here at Inlet Grove.”
It gets very busy as she tries to make time for all of the students in need of help, said Ms. Bonikowski, adding that what she loves most about her job is being able to help students succeed.
“I work closely with students who are taking college classes,” Ms. Bonikowski said. “I receive great satisfaction when I see our students achieve high goals.”