Disruptive students, oh no!
PEACE: A room of silence and serenity … until the disruptive students come in, that is.
Have you ever been in a class where the teacher had to stop teaching because students were being disruptive?
The purpose of school is to teach students to become their best and to form a future for themselves. But some Inlet Grove students are just defeating that purpose.
If you are not happy with the lesson that is being taught, or the teacher … too bad, suck it up! That doesn’t give you an excuse to act up. It doesn’t mean you can start side conversations, walk around when you’re not supposed to, break the rules and more importantly ruin it for the students who want to succeed. They are here for a reason too!
“I’m furious with the incompetent students who disturb my peace and stop my learning process,” said Guerline Jean-Francios, a sophomore in the Culinary Academy.
“I feel as if the disruptive kids make it hard for me to pay attention and learn,” said Tierra Lark, a freshman in the Culinary Academy.”Although I may slip up sometimes I make sure to apologize and do my work.”
It’s very obvious that most students are not happy about this, but what about the teachers?
“I feel extremely frustrated and annoyed,” said English teacher Emma Howard, “because I feel that not only my time but more importantly the students’ time is being wasted. It distracts from what we as a class had to accomplish.”
“I feel that student disruption robs the entire class of its opportunities to learn,” said U.S History teacher Jennifer Riley. “It’s extremely disrespectful and makes you wonder why they would come to school if they are unwilling to get the information that is being presented.”
Being disruptive doesn’t help anybody. You are just wasting your teachers’ time, your parents’ time and your time. Making jokes and making inappropriate comments in class are not worth it.
One cause of students being disrespectful is the teachers, believe it or not. Some teachers don’t know how to put their classrooms in order. They let the students walk out whenever they want. They let the students move their desks to wherever without permission. Some teachers have just plainly given up on controlling their students. Some teachers expect students to respect them and the class, but that’s a non-starter when some of the students don’t even have respect for themselves.
Yet that’s not an excuse for students to be disruptive in class or to disrespect the teacher, no matter who they are or how they teach their class. When a student disrupts class, they lose a lesson, a lesson that could be very important in a test that may determine whether they graduate or not. Would you risk that?
I suggest those disrespectful kids (because you sure act like immature kids) need to get your act together. There is no reason why one should bring up an irrelevant subject in class while the teacher is teaching. That’s just ridiculous!

I'm Micaja, a sophmore in the Journalism Academy and I have a goal of becoming the best I can be. I am both Bahamian and Haitian which I'm very proud...
Linda Janney • Feb 11, 2016 at 11:56 am
Ask my students, I am very unpleasant to those who disrupt. I DON’T tolerate nonsense! But it does happen.
Isaac Georges • Dec 17, 2015 at 9:49 am
Haha Lol! I totally agree! My students usually submit to my authority when entering my classroom xD
Linda Janney • Feb 11, 2016 at 11:57 am
Sure they do. You are the tyrant and they are your subjects!
Gillian Samad • Dec 17, 2015 at 7:09 am
This should be mandatory reading for each disruptive student! They must understand that their right to be disruptive ends before they disrupt the learning of another. In the classroom the learning process must take priority over the disruptive process. Why? Because the classroom is a place for learning; not disruptions!
Ms. Pientka • Dec 16, 2015 at 3:02 pm
Great job on such an important topic!!!! You make a very good point that it is the teacher’s responsibility to control the classroom and that task must be consistently worked on. Sometimes we try one thing that doesn’t work and we just have to keep trying until something works.
It is important for teachers to set the tone in the beginning of the term, however students must be involved in that process. Everyone has to have a clear understanding of the expectations in the room and all monitor each other to make sure the agreed upon “social contract” is followed.
I feel sad for students who are wasting their time in classes, because somewhere along the line they will pay for it and so will we all!
McDermott • Dec 16, 2015 at 2:32 pm
I second that notion
Señorita Wiggins • Dec 16, 2015 at 2:24 pm
I have to regularly remind my disruptive students that I am not a glorified babysitter nor is my class social hour or playtime. We teachers spend so much time looking for resources and creating activities to help students learn and it’s a slap in the face when disruptive students don’t respect that. I’m angry for myself and the students who behave when I have to stop teacher mode and go into prison warden mode, disrupting the learning of the students who actually want to learn what I’m trying to teach. Note to the disruptive students: Think about how your actions affect other people, you are not just hurting yourself [and your education] when you act out.
Linda Janney • Dec 16, 2015 at 2:24 pm
I am delighted that you wrote this. It’s about time those students who are here to learn speak up and take back their education from those who choose to steal it.