Question 2 of the Week: What Supreme Court case limited freedom of speech involving school? (Hint: It happened in 1969. The answer is at the bottom of the article.)
What is Freedom of Speech?
To me, freedom of speech is voicing your opinions and ideas, whether it’s in a positive or negative connotation.
Many people argue about the extent of speech in public, what can or cannot be said, and where it should be said.
The truth is, the 1st Amendment will not always protect the right to unlimited speech. Words including “bomb”, “shooting”, and other threatening words or phases shouldn’t be causally used in public settings. This is because imparting false information regarding life threatening situations can lead to many problems. You could also be charged with a felony penalty.
How is freedom of speech Limited in schools?
Students are allowed to petition, hand out and put up flyers, and wear expressive clothing. However, students can not disrupt or violate other students or schools policies.
An example of this is race-based harassment. Some people may argue that it’s only words and that they can say whatever they want. It is true that people can say whatever they want, but because it is violating school policies, their 1st Amendment right will not be protected and they might be punished.
The main idea of limiting free speech is to promote public safety.
Question 2 of the Week: What Supreme Court case limited freedom of speech involving school?
Answer: Tinker v. Des Moines
Kyra Carty • Apr 22, 2024 at 6:45 pm
Wonderful article! This article is very insightful and educational. I love how you began the article by using a question to draw the readers in. I also like how you started with your interpretation of the meaning of freedom of speech as most of us may have the same interpretation. In this article, you wonderfully explained the limitations of speech in schools in a way that will help students understand the severity of their word choices.
Francez • Apr 19, 2024 at 8:21 am
I enjoyed reading this article! I like how this article included what Freedom of Speech means but also explains that freedom of speech is limited. For example people aren’t allowed to express discrimination or harassment against another race. The article also includes a question which makes this article more interactive.
Jeanica • Apr 18, 2024 at 11:33 pm
Amazing!! This is very informative and interesting. I love how she helps us understand, that the 1st amendment will not always protect the right to unlimited speech.
Amari Hill • Apr 18, 2024 at 11:29 pm
Great article i liked how this helped me understand human rights and the foundation upon which democracy is built. And it also helped me understand our history.
Rildo J Rivera • Apr 18, 2024 at 9:21 pm
I think that this article was perfectly used and well. On top of that I think the subject that the writer used was perfect as freedom of speech is used in our everyday lives.
La'Niyah Thorpe • Apr 18, 2024 at 9:12 pm
I adore this article, Jessica did a great job with the way she not only informed the readers of what will and won’t be protected but she also explained why. Her opinion here, I felt was excellent. Not a lot of people know that just because it’s your right to say whatever you want doesn’t mean that some words you say may get you into trouble.
aidan • Apr 18, 2024 at 8:30 pm
I agree with this as our freedom of speak can’t be taken and is our right as the founding fathers intended
Tory-Ann • Apr 18, 2024 at 8:23 pm
I enjoy how this article brings attention to the history of how freedom of speech is in our schools and out in the real word. People should pay more attention to the fact that the whole idea of limiting freedom of speech isn’t to hold back their thoughts but to keep the public safe.
nichola • Apr 18, 2024 at 4:39 pm
I love how this story helps us with our American History which has to do with freedom of speech, and how this also has to do with the public. People should be careful of what they say because of public safety, especially on school grounds. Things happen at schools, especially threatening words, etc, which could cause huge catastrophes.
Roodley Louis • Apr 18, 2024 at 2:54 pm
Great article! I like how she talked about how even though you have freedom of speech there are still certain things you shouldn’t say in a public setting.
Indera Washington • Apr 18, 2024 at 1:20 pm
This article tells readers about how and why the freedom of speech occurred and I feel as if this article did a very good job expressing that and it gives readers a chance to learn and acknowledge that we have Freedom of Speech and that we don’t have to hold back any words that we feel is necessary to be said.
Nyla King • Apr 18, 2024 at 11:06 am
This article is very informative. I like how she explained why we have limits on freedom of speech in schools and explained how saying words out loud in public places such as “bomb or “shooting” can be very threatening, cause worry, and people could go to jail for this. This just shows how important it is that we know what we should and shouldn’t say in public places.
Jessica Perkins • Apr 18, 2024 at 10:57 am
WOW!!! Great job this article has helped me to expand my thoughts and have a better understanding of what freedom of speech is. I love that you made this article fun by asking questions I was definitely interested.
Azriella Perez • Apr 18, 2024 at 10:52 am
Very informative piece! I enjoyed the author’s input on what Freedom of Speech means to her, along with evidence and examples to truly explain what freedom of speech is, its limitations on school grounds, and why it is important.