Tribute to a great teacher
ALL AROUND PRO: Todd Morey, Inlet Grove’s beloved Pre-Architecture and Pre-Engineering instructor, who was accomplished in his field before he began teaching it, is heading off to a great opportunity in the profession. One student spoke for many when she said, ‘Breaks my heart’ that he is leaving.
A great teacher isn’t there just to teach the students and move them along. A great teacher guides them and pushes them to their fullest potential. A great teacher may be there only for a few years, but can become the motivation for a lifetime.
If someone were to ask the upper draftsman of Mr. Todd Morey’s Pre-Architecture and Pre-Engineering classes, they would all agree that he is the definition of a great teacher. His belief in his students has motivated them to move forward and reach their goals. Many of them owe where they are now to him.
That’s why some say they regret hearing the news that Mr. Morey will be leaving for an outstanding career opportunity.
“I feel sad that he’s leaving,” said Deanna Betancur, a senior in Mr. Morey’s class. “But I’m proud of what he’s doing. He’s been with me through a lot of situations, and has pushed me forward. I’m going to miss his funny remarks and the humor he brought to the classroom. It’s not going to be the same without him. I wouldn’t have been able to get to the place I am today without him.”
Mr. Morey was a guide and a counselor to his students. He helped them to get back on their feet when they were down. When the students thought they were at their peak, he pushed them forward so they could see there was still higher goals for them to attain.
“Breaks my heart,” said Benny Larson, a senior in Pre-Architecture, “because Mr. Morey was a great teacher. He taught me all I know about architecture, and many life lessons. Without him, I wouldn’t have been able to graduate. I respect him very much as a teacher and a mentor.”
He wasn’t the typical “I’m the authority, so you respect me” type teacher. He chose to be where he was, and he didn’t do it to be the figure in charge. He chose to be a teacher to help the students, and to guide them. He explained to his students that he came from a tough place, but was able to get past that and become someone he could be proud of for himself.
“I wanted to help students,” Mr. Morey said. “I identify as having a rough childhood, and I just wanted to be the help that I didn’t have when I was in their situation. And while the students may see me as some rich white guy, I was once in a position similar to theirs. I wanted, by telling you guys my success story, that you guys might realize that the situation you’re at doesn’t have to be the same for the rest of you’re life. You can become a person of high morale, integrity, and success.”
As freshmen, and maybe even as sophomores, we may have not understood the way Mr. Morey was helping us. But I feel that I can say, on behalf of the upperclassman of Mr. Morey’s class, that he helped us become who we are today. His guidance has pushed us forward and given us a kick-start to becoming a success.
Mr. Morey was with us for only a few years, and not everyone will appreciate him the same way, but he was a great influence in many of our lives. He taught us to become something we could become proud of for ourselves.
So thank you Mr. Morey, for helping us and pushing us to meet our fullest potential, and being a motivation for the students in your class. Thank you for showing us that we can become someone to be proud of, and that we have the potential to be better then we think we can.

Hello, my name is Brittanny Campbell. I am a senior in the Pre-Architecture Academy. I plan on going to college to major in multiple degrees and expand...
Samuel Jean-Francois • Apr 15, 2016 at 8:26 am
This was a great story Brittanny keep on writing.