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The Student News Site Of Inlet Grove High School

Inlet Grove News

The Student News Site Of Inlet Grove High School

Inlet Grove News

The Student News Site Of Inlet Grove High School

Inlet Grove News

Janie Aviles

Janie Aviles, Staff Writer

Greetings and salutations, my name is Janie Aviles (IT’S PRONOUNCED JOHNNY) and I am a sophmore in the Marine Tech Program. I enjoy reading, listening to music and browsing the interwebs for fresh memes. Stereotypes say performing arts kids are really weird. I’m the proof that that statement is accurate. Although I’m part of the Drama Club, I also enjoy being the person behind the camera.

All content by Janie Aviles
A LOVE FOR VIDEO: Larry Goldstick speaks to students about his lifelong love for video development and inspires students to follow their own dreams and not make excuses.

Capture Digital Marketing

Janie Aviles, Staff Writer
November 16, 2018
LET'S TALK ABOAT IT: The Marine Technology Academy students went fishing right outside from the Lake Park Inlet. Students got to go swimming at Peanut Island and keep the fish they caught.

Maritime’s gone fishing!

Janie Aviles, Staff Writer
November 8, 2018
LIFE: Welcome the latest members of the Inlet family, three newly hatched baby birds!

Photo of the Day: Baby birds

Janie Aviles, Staff Writer
May 14, 2018
IT'S O-FISH-AL: The Marine Science students along with their teacher, Ms. Rose, band together to take a picture with their tour guide, Evan Orellana.

Discovering Sandoway

Janie Aviles, Staff Writer
March 1, 2018
BIG GAME: The boys varsity basketball team went against Oxbridge Academy on Jan. 19.

Hurricanes play ball

Janie Aviles, Staff Writer
February 11, 2018
GET YOUR PARTY ON: At the first Pep Rally of the new year, Jan 19, students were introduced to the basketball and soccer players, watched the Drumline play and got a performance from Elijah Mayes, aka "Lil Ducky."

‘Ducky’ Pep Rally

Janie Aviles, Staff Writer
February 11, 2018
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Janie Aviles