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The Student News Site Of Inlet Grove High School

Inlet Grove News

The Student News Site Of Inlet Grove High School

Inlet Grove News

The Student News Site Of Inlet Grove High School

Inlet Grove News

Jordyn Albert

Jordyn Albert

Hey, my name is Jordyn Albert (Muigoku) aka Dr.J, I’m now a Senior in the web design academy. I’m 19 years old. I like to draw, workout, and play games.When I graduate I’m want to go to Denison college to study Cinematic Arts.

All content by Jordyn Albert
HELPING HANDS: Ethan Appleby and his friend(left) assisted Xain Lawracy with the school's garden.

Garden workers

Jordyn Albert, Staff Writer
January 15, 2021
GIVING HELP TO THE KIDS: Mr. Banks (from left), Mr. Al and Mr. McDermott handed out the laptops to get students ready for their career classes next semester.

Photo of the Day: Distribution

Jordyn Albert, Staff Writer
January 7, 2021
DEVELOPED: Joseph Pulitzer was the father of journalism since 1887.

The creator of Journalism

Jordyn Albert, Staff Writer
September 18, 2020
GAME ON: The Final Exam Team Competition in Mr. Hanif's Journalism classes featured a 
$120,000 banana art prize or $120,000 (while supplies lasted), and candy for correct answers.

Battle of the students

Jordyn Albert, Staff Writer
December 20, 2019
ACHIEVEMENT: Inlet Grove NHS team went to Palm beach County Food bank to help pack 320 weekend goodies for 600 identified middle school students of SDPBC and broke a record of 1.5 hrs to put things in the bags.

Edibles stock

Jordyn Albert, Staff Writer
December 20, 2019
JAM SESSION: On Fri. 13, the students had a recital at the Media Center. The students performed by dancing, singing, and playing the saxophone.

Christmas singalong

Jordyn Albert, Staff Writer
December 18, 2019
REPRESENTATION: Editor-in-Chief Brianna Luberisse (center) and Yearbook Co-Editor Brianna Dwyer (right) have been taking pictures of the freshmen, sophomores and juniors all this week for the 2019-2020 book.


Jordyn Albert, Staff Writer
December 13, 2019
PUBLICITY: Professional and entrepreneur of Kaliah Communications Inc., Michelle Brown, spoke to Mr. Hanif's students about her career and how public relations relates to Journalism.

Michelle Brown: The businesswoman

Jordyn Albert, Staff Writer
December 12, 2019
OPINION MATTERS: The supervisor of the newspaper's commentary section, which includes the editorials, columns, letters to the editor, and editorial cartoons, spoke with the journalism class about his distinguished career, and engaged the students in an exercise on how to write an Editorial.

Introducing Rick Christie

Jordyn Albert, Staff Writer
November 7, 2019
FRIENDS: Journalism instructor Mr. Hanif, invited Rick Christie the Editorial Page Editor at the Palm Beach Post to his second period, to talk about his life as an editor and to motivate the students on concepts of Journalism.

Photo of the Day: Comrades

Jordyn Albert, Staff Writer
November 6, 2019
SERPENTS: Environmental Science teacher Dr. Spector invited his dad, Fred Spector on Oct. 25 to show his students different classes of snakes.

Like father like son

Jordyn Albert, Staff writer
October 29, 2019
ART MUSEUM: Ms. Baker took her students to the Lake Park Art District to look at other artist artwork, murals and making experiments with 3D printing.

Get crafty

Jordyn Albert, Staff Writer
September 25, 2019
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Jordyn Albert