What’s Cooking? Cupcake Wars
During Chef Newman’s first period class on Sept. 27, students were given the challenge to do a “Cupcake Wars,” Inlet Grove style.
They had until the end of class to follow a recipe and to make their cupcakes unique.
This was the first challenge that Chef’s first period class took on this year; her third period class had completed the task the day before.
I have to admit her level one class cupcakes looked amazing, and so professional — Chef was really impressed! (I regret I did not get to take a photo; by the time I saw them it was time for Open House to start.)
Each group’s cupcakes were different from one another, from the icing to the decorations.
Chef thought we should make something for us to eat, and on Thursday we are starting Teacher Lunches again for the staff of Inlet Grove.

Hey, I'm Dakota, and I am junior here at Inlet Grove. A few words to describe me are rabbit lover and Disney-fanatic. I have a Labrador retriever named...