‘Real news starts here’
Fake news has no home at the Palm Beach Post, said Publisher Tim Burke in welcoming students from 13 high schools to the annual High School Newspaper Workshop.
Newsroom Manager Em Mendez kicked things off with “The Perfect Storm,” a session helping students learn how to brainstorm in a short time.
“Photojournalism is basically telling a story with a frame,” said Post Photographer Andres Leiva during the Visual Storytelling session that followed for the GroveWatch.com staffers who attended: Brianna Luberisse, Dakota Sands, Yorgelis Yambo, Seth Mars and Brianna Dwyer.
“Whatever you base your opinion on, base it on fact,” said Editorial Page Editor Rick Christie during the next session. “As journalists we try hard to keep our opinions out of the news pages,” he said, “because it hurts our integrity. And our integrity is all that we have.”
During lunch students were joined at their tables by other top journalists at the newspaper, such as Jennifer Podis with the Hurricanes.
Managing Editor Nick Moschella started the afternoon by introducing Food Editor Liz Balmaseda. She gave tips on how to differentiate feature writing from news writing.
“Be merciless with your editing,” said the two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, who provided guidance such as using motion as an antidote for writers block. “The next time you get writers block, move. Just move.”
It was a day when important journalists took the time to share their knowledge and experience with dozens of students. “I hope the time here today brought some inspiration to you,” said Burke.

My name is Brianna but you can call me Bri or B. I am a Senior in the Journalism Academy. Aside from belching Beyonce songs, I like to help people, take...

Hello, my name is Brianna and I am Senior in the Journalism academy. I am someone who is easy to approach. I absolutely love to read. I also love to...
Pientka • Oct 30, 2017 at 1:48 pm
What a great quote! Our integrity is all we have!
Nancy Jones • Oct 27, 2017 at 10:59 am
It was so great to have staff from Grove Watch visit with us at The Post on Thursday! Love to see their passion for journalism!
Linda Colombo-Bonikowski • Oct 27, 2017 at 6:52 am
I hope you all had a wonderful time at The Post. My husband works there and I know a number of the people you worked with: Joe Forzano, Nick Moschella, and Tim Burke. All of them are professionals in their individual niches at the paper. You got to speak with some of the best. I hope the information they bestowed upon you will be useful and helpful to you in your classes here at IGCHS and in college if you elect to pursue Journalism as a major.