Question 3 of the Week: What Supreme Court case of 1962 declared it unconstitutional to have school prayer in public schools? (Hint: 14th amendment. The answer is at the bottom of the article.)
What is freedom of Religion?
To me, freedom of religion is not forcing your religious beliefs on people who disagree with it. Many people have different religions that include, Christianity, Islam, Catholicism, Seventh-day Adventist, and many more. The question is, to what extent can religion be used in public?
Religion Equality
Many people wouldn’t mind others expressing their religious belief in public schools. Therefore, if a public school allows a Christian club, they would also have to allow a Satan club. Due to this conflict, public worshiping in a school’s public setting will be considered unconstitutional.
To provide a further explanation, If a christian club wanted to say a prayer before a football game in a public school, it wouldn’t be allowed because it would be considered forcing religion on others.
What does the 1st Amendment say?
Under the U.S. Constitution, anyone is allowed to practice his or her religion if they want to or not.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof …”
Question 3 of the Week: What Supreme Court case of 1962 declared it unconstitutional to have school prayer in public schools? Answer: Engel v. Vitale