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The Student News Site Of Inlet Grove High School

Inlet Grove News

The Student News Site Of Inlet Grove High School

Inlet Grove News

The Student News Site Of Inlet Grove High School

Inlet Grove News

Hannah Snow

Hannah Snow, Co-Editor

I’m Hannah, a Senior in the Journalism Academy. I enjoy writing about the society, new fashions trends, and stereotypes on cultures and people. Being around people I love like my family and friends makes my day. I’m not exactly sure what I want to go to college for but I really want to invest in stocks and own houses.

All content by Hannah Snow
PROTECT AND SERVE: School police officer, Ryan Strahan, reflects on his life along with the trials and tribulations he endured to get where he is now.

Not your average officer

Hannah Snow, Co-Editor
December 2, 2019
PUMPKITECTURE: The Pre- Architecture instructor Mr. Lambaz created a project that involves pumpkins to explore the spacial and architectural property of the natural composition of organisms. Students can deconstruct and rearrange the pumpkins elements. This was their first attempt and Mr. Lambaz wants to give them another try. The competition will be held in coming November.

Spooky season

Hannah Snow, Co-Editor
October 31, 2019
LAUGH OUT LOUD: Student wears humorous shirt on the first day of school dress down.

Photo of the Day: Relatable?

Hannah Snow, Co-Editor
August 22, 2019
FRESHMEAT: This school year, 100 plus students have been added to the inlet grove campus which means 803 is the exact number of students that attend.

New Canes in the house

Hannah Snow, Co-Editor
August 16, 2019
STANDING OVATION: (From left) Robelle Jean, Principal Mr. Lopez, Alyssa Tenorio and sponsor Mr. Hanif attended the annual Pathfinder Scholarship Awards ceremony at the Kravis Center on May 14 sponsored by The Palm Beach Post. Jean was nominated in the Academic Excellence and Tenorio in Communications category. The awards are presented each year to high school seniors who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in 18 academic, vocational and athletic categories.

Pathfinder Awards

Hannah Snow, Co-Editor
May 21, 2019
STUDY MATH FOR A BETTER PATH: In the math department, Saturday tutoring has been flooded with students the last two weekends with a total of 83 students on the April 27, and 53 the following weekend.

Strive for progress

Hannah Snow, Co-Editor
May 7, 2019
PROM SEASON: The Canes walk through for prom will be held at the, Riviera Beach Marina on April 13.

Be There or Be Square

Hannah Snow, Co-Editor
April 12, 2019
APPRECIATE THE SIMPLE THINGS: Most people walk on the campus everyday,and don't seem to notice how beautiful the greenery is around the school.

Admiring our surroundings

Hannah Snow, Co-Editor
April 5, 2019
WHO HAS THE BEST WHEELS? The 4th annual  and most entered car show brought many people out to Inlet excited to see what was in store.

Show and tell

Hannah Snow, Co-Editor
February 26, 2019
HIGHFLIERS:One more year

What are the juniors up to?

Hannah Snow, Co-Editor
February 6, 2019
BIRDIE WATCHERS WATCH OUT: After a rainy day at Inlet, multiple white ibis gather in the court yard looking for anything their beaks can get a hold of.

Something about the Grove soil

Hannah Snow, Co-editor
January 25, 2019
CLASS OF 2019: Senior gather together in the auditorium to go over the graduation obligations and senior dues.

Preparing to leave the nest

Hannah Snow, Co-editor
January 18, 2019
LETS MEDITATE: Mrs. Paramore held the first Mindfulness club  meeting on Jan.14 in room 304.

[Photo] A mindful aspect

Artist Newby, Staff Writer
January 18, 2019
Students  are coming together to vote for the guys with the best waves. Winner of the wave competition gets a $15 gift card and second place gets a $10 gift card. Winners will be announced  on January 25th.

[Photo] Votes are in

Artist Newby, Staff Writer
January 14, 2019
MEASURE OF TOMORROW: Potential Hurricanes got a feel for the school's students, teachers and staff while being served snacks produced by Culinary Academy students during the Open House on May 24. Hannah Snow (above), a Journalism sophomore in the Multimedia Academy, provides guidance for one recruit's little brother.

Navigating the future

Hannah Snow, Staff Writer
June 1, 2018
BIRDIE: Maritime Academy student, Veronica Mix made a birdhouse for Mr. Rice's class out of pieces of bark found around school. The project was later displayed on a tree nearby.


Hannah Snow, Staff Writer
May 17, 2018
ADMIT ONE: Students made posters to encourage others to attend the dance on Saturday, April 14 at the Palm Beach Gardens Marriott.

Prom season

Hannah Snow, Staff Writer
April 3, 2018
TRADEMARK: Canes are full of encouragement and school spirit, with their new slogan, that pushes students to their academic and personal best.

Photo Essay: C.A.N.E.S

Hannah Snow, Staff Writer
February 13, 2018
BASKETBALL GAMES: Both the varsity and junior varsity boys lost  to Oxbridge Academy on Jan. 19, but students and parents came out to show their support and cheer on the teams.

Court is in session

Hannah Snow, Staff Writer
February 11, 2018
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Hannah Snow