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The Student News Site Of Inlet Grove High School

Inlet Grove News

The Student News Site Of Inlet Grove High School

Inlet Grove News

The Student News Site Of Inlet Grove High School

Inlet Grove News

Sephora Charles

Sephora Charles, Editor-in-Chief

Hey! My name is Sephora Charles. I am a Senior in the Journalism Academy. Being the ambivert I am I enjoy being around people, but I have moments when I get shy. I see myself as an energetic and positive person. In my free time I’m most likely watching Asian dramas and listening to K-pop, but I’m not weird I promise. I’m passionate about photography and writing which is why I want to work in the multimedia field after high school. I hope to make a positive impact on people and continue having stories to tell.




All content by Sephora Charles
PARTNERSHIP: Students participate in washing teachers, students and  community cars to fundraise.

[Photo] A touch of shine 

Erna Delice, Co-Editor
March 31, 2022
UNTIL NEXT TIME: The semester has come to an end and 2022 is approaching. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Photo of the Day: Winter Wonderland

Sephora Charles, Editor-in-Chief
December 22, 2021
SEEING DOUBLE: During the Halloween weekend English teacher, Ms. Melbourne, found out that she's pregnant with twins. "I feel lucky and excited," she said.  The babies are due June 27 and she said being pregnant with twins is "double the love".

Baby fever

Sephora Charles, Editor-in-Chief
November 3, 2021
THE END: Ms. Lisa, who's worked in the main office for three years as the Administrative Assistant spends her last day working so she can pursue her passion in dancing. She said her favorite part of her job was "welcoming/ greeting the public meaning (parent, students, visitors and speakers)." As she leaves she advises people to "have patience with all things, but first with yourself."

Photo of the Day: Farewell

Sephora Charles, Editor-in-Chief
September 24, 2021
TEAMWORK: The top editors brain storm ideas for picture day.

Photo of the Day: Working overtime

Sephora Charles, Editor-in-Chief
September 21, 2021
HONORS: Look out for upcoming profiles of the winners.

Awarding Canes

Sephora Charles, Editor-in-Chief
September 2, 2021
THIS IS A DRILL: Canes practiced their first fire evacuation.

Photo of the Day: Fired up

Sephora Charles, Editor-in-Chief
August 20, 2021
SENIOR CHECK OUT DAY: On June 14 students and parents came to school to  receive things such as the yearbook, cap and gown, etc.

Pick up

Sephora Charles, Photo Editor
June 15, 2021
SENIOR AWARDS NIGHT: Friends, family and staff gathered to support the class of 2021 on their achievements June 10. The final of three honors ceremonies, organized by Senior Class advisers Ms. Goldstein and Mrs. Day, and led by Senior Class leaders Chardly Zetrenne, left, and Fedeline Montrose, was  dedicated to Multimedia Academy and LPN seniors. 


Celebrating success

Sephora Charles, Photo Editor
June 11, 2021
WINNERS: Seniors in the medical academy were recognized for their achievements.

Above and beyond

Sephora Charles, Photo Editor
June 9, 2021
"MAKING HISTORY": The wait for the 2020-2021 Hurricanes Yearbook is over.

They’re in

Sephora Charles, Photo Editor
June 4, 2021
THOUGHTS: The mind of a teen may be very complex yet simple.


Sephora Charles, Photo Editor
April 27, 2021
TREASURE: Mr. McDermott manages the Senior class so they can finish on a good note.

The back bones

Sephora Charles, Photo Editor
April 13, 2021
SPOTLIGHT: April is Jazz Appreciation Month, also known as JAM. Jazz was developed in the late 19th century and is still relevant to this day with rising stars such as Alfa Mist. He is a 24 year old music producer, self taught pianist, and rapper. Since his debut in 2015, Mist has been making music that combines jazz and hip hop.

The future of jazz

Sephora Charles, Photo Editor
April 8, 2021
POINT OF VIEW: Help make the yearbook more historic with photos of things in your perspective.

Send us your photos

Sephora Charles, Photo Editor
February 24, 2021
NEW NORMAL: Students, teachers, and administrators take the proper precautions as students return back to school physically to ensure that everyone is safe.

Safety first

Sephora Charles, Staff Writer
September 24, 2020
HISTORY MAKER: Alice Allison Dunnigan was the first African American female journalist to cover the White House.

She paved the way

Sephora Charles, Staff Writer
September 16, 2020
SERENITY: Students gather in a meeting for 
 the Mindfulness Club that meet every Monday from 11:30 to 11:50. It is led by Mr. Del Real, the founder of the club and accompanied by Ms. Bell and Ms. Paramore.

Mindfulness Club

Sephora Charles, Staff Writer
February 19, 2019
EXHIBITION:  Student and staff attended the annual showcase of schools at the South Florida Fairgrounds; where they represented and advertised the school on Oct.16.

Showcase: Advertising the Canes

Sephora Charles, Staff Writer
November 1, 2018
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Sephora Charles