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The Student News Site Of Inlet Grove High School

Inlet Grove News

The Student News Site Of Inlet Grove High School

Inlet Grove News

The Student News Site Of Inlet Grove High School

Inlet Grove News

Deisy Velasquez

Deisy Velasquez, Features Editor

Hi! My  name is Deisy and I am a senior in the journalism academy I enjoy reading and writing. When it comes to books I love reading the classics one of my favorites would be Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin.

All content by Deisy Velasquez
ETHNICITY: (from left) Anthony Lopez , Deilyn Mendez-Lopez, and Gregory Dozier are three out of the many Hispanic students who speak the Spanglish language

Foreign language: Spanglish

Deisy Velasquez, Features Editor
March 14, 2018
A PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHT: Mr. Myszkowski and Mr. McDermott at war for loose change.

‘The economy is expanding’

Deisy Velasquez, Features Editor
March 7, 2018
UPDATE: Canes take a ride through these photos that are a blast from the past since of August 2017

The beginning

Deisy Velasquez, Features Editior
February 6, 2018
CHALLENGE: The Senior LPN's went to The Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness 
conference where they  attended, participated and even offered support and feedback.

Healthcare conference

Deisy Velasquez, Features Editor
December 12, 2017
FIRE STATION: Mrs. Graham and the EMR students visited the Riviera Beach Fire station Nov. 29 to learn about emergency medical equipment, lifesaving measures and the real-life challenges of first responders. They also toured the facility and explored the emergency vehicles and equipment.

Real life experiences

Deisy Velasquez, Features Editor
November 30, 2017
INFORMATIVE EVENING: Parents and students gathered to receive information about scholarships, financial aid, grants and more from college and military representatives, along with Inlet Grove staff.

College Night

Deisy Velasquez, Features Editor
November 2, 2017
A BLAST TO THE PAST: A look at Inlet's 2016-2017 school year full of many memories made.

Looking back

Deisy Velasquez, Staff Writer
June 3, 2017
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Deisy Velasquez