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The Student News Site Of Inlet Grove High School

Inlet Grove News

The Student News Site Of Inlet Grove High School

Inlet Grove News

The Student News Site Of Inlet Grove High School

Inlet Grove News

Shania Mckellar, Photo Editor

Hi, my name is Shania Mckellar everyone calls me “Nia”. I am a Senior in the Journalism Academy and the Photo Editor. In my spare time, I like to watch movies while eating my favorite snacks: Gummy bears and Purple Doritos,  watch Tiktok videos and hang out with my friends . When I get older I want to follow my dreams of being a photographer,  fashion model, and a business woman. 

All content by Shania Mckellar
SMILES: Former student Gabriel Gerig came back on campus for the new year to revisit his friends and former teachers. From left, Gabriel Greig, Mr. McDermott.

Photo of the Day 2: Reunited

Shania Mckellar, Photo editor
January 10, 2023
FEELING 23: Senior, Keruschy Francois shows off the class of 2023 Senior shirt. Students received their shirts after the assembly. 
"Three years down, one more year to go. Said Francois. Making this last year epic."

[Photo] Near the finish line

Leah Robinson, Copy Editor
September 20, 2022
NEW TO CADY?: "There's more to Senior year beyond the cap and gown." - Cady Studios

Milestone memories

Shania Mckellar, Photo Editor
September 16, 2022
BEST WISHES: P.E teacher Coach Fritz welcomes his new born baby Henry Fritz born on August 24th at 2:22 am." I wanted to introduce the newest member of my family. We welcomed Henry Patrick Fritz. Henry is my second child. I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter. I was worried with her, but I feel more confident now. I am excited to watch him grow alongside my daughter Ellie." said Fritz.

Proudly presenting

Shania Mckellar, Photo Editor
August 29, 2022
CONDUCT: Community Language Facilitator Mr. Dorvil, Journalism teacher Mr. Hanif, Case Manager Mr. Baker, Mental Health
h Administrator Ms. Skinner and the Advance Journalism class took students ID photos on Wednesday and distributed the 
Freshmen and Sophomore's ID's during lunch on Aug. 24. "They did an incredible job, they were very professional said Baker." They knew exactly what to do, I trained them on how to actually take the photos and they're just incredible students and it's just a testament on Mr. Hanif and the quality of the students that we have at Inlet Grove and how they're always willing to step in and participate."

AJ’s take over

Shania Mckellar, Photo Editor
August 26, 2022
FESTIVITY: National Honor Society members, Ms. Espinoza, Ms. Reyes, and Mr. Doby (shown above) went to Okeeheelee Park for the NHS Senior send-off hosted by Vice President, Cinthia Gonzalez on May 7. "It was a fun event, people painted, played Uno, and played sports," said Gonzalez.

Good times

Shania Mckellar, Staff Writer
May 18, 2022
SERENITY: On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Ms. Skinner will be in front of the cafeteria giving out treats and interacting with students for Mental Health Awareness Month.

Insight therapy

Shania Mckellar, Staff Writer
May 12, 2022
DRILL: The Marine team brought a pull-up bar for students like Shadrack Simmons, right, to show off their arm strength with how many upthrusts they can do.

Power hour

Shania Mckellar, Staff Writer
May 5, 2022
PROSPERITY: Ms. Skinner, administrative assistant put up posters in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month.

Clear mind

Shania Mckellar, Staff Writer
May 5, 2022
ANALYST: Chemistry teacher, Mr. Milce and his students performed a science experiment mixing sodium hydroxide and distilled water that made it purple.

Chemical reaction

Shania Mckellar, Staff Writer
May 5, 2022
ROLLING: Leionia Free Productions came to IGHS to film their new Netflix movie "Rebirth." "I feel pretty good, It's day 5 we're half way  there and half way done," said David Liz, Director of Photography.

Behind the scenes

Shania Mckellar, Staff Writer
April 21, 2022
ATTENTION: Located on the board next to the library are the list of Seniors who have paid and are going to Grad Bash.

Photo of the Day: Grad Nite

Shania Mckellar, Staff Writer
April 19, 2022
MEMORIES: Grad bash will be held on April 29th at Universal Studio Orlando. " It is a very memorable trip to celebrate that graduation is almost here. This is the first time Grad Bash has happened in several years due to the pandemic," said Mrs. Day, English teacher and Senior representative.

Senior season

Shania Mckellar, Staff Writer
April 12, 2022
No pain, no gain

No pain, no gain

Shania Mckellar, Staff Writer
March 30, 2022
MAKE NOISE: Inlet Grove held their 7th Annual Car Show arranged by Assistant Principal Scott McDermott.

Festival of speed

Shania Mckellar, Staff Writer
March 11, 2022
DEDICATED: Engineering students displayed their project to the board. Members also introduced themselves to one another.

Claim your future showcase

Shania Mckellar, Staff Writer
March 1, 2022
INNOVATION: Teens start their own business based on what they enjoy doing.

SJW: Make it known

Shania Mckellar, Staff Writer
February 23, 2022
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Shania Mckellar