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The Student News Site Of Inlet Grove High School

Inlet Grove News

The Student News Site Of Inlet Grove High School

Inlet Grove News

The Student News Site Of Inlet Grove High School

Inlet Grove News

All content by Skyy Hinson
ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE: Michelle Brown is the president of her own communications company, formerly worked for Palm Beach Post, and previously been the communications manager for various corporations.

WHM Week 2: Michelle Brown

Skyy Hinson, Managing Editor
March 12, 2020
ROLE MODEL: English instructor Ms. Kirkman reflects on female role models, "One of my female role models growing up was teacher Christa McAuffliffe; I was in fifth grade when she died during the Challenger accident. First, it meant a lot to me that she believed teaching was so valuable as an occupation that she put her life on the line, and ultimately lost it, in order to educate students from space. Second, I read an article about her after she died and a quote of hers has always stayed with me: I touch the future. I teach."

Each one, teach one

Skyy Hinson, Editor
March 10, 2020
CELEBRATING STUDENT PUBLICATIONS: During Scholastic Journalism Week. Feb. 24-28, students shed light on their publication staffs and what they do.

SJW 2020

Skyy Hinson, Managing Editor
March 5, 2020
STRONG ROLES: English instructor Mrs. Cartwright, reflecting on what Women's History Month means and how it has affected her, said: "It means that women are recognized for having strong roles and strong voices in society. I think it's really important because girls, growing up nowadays, need to be empowered to take on the world and should be well aware that they're just as capable as their male counterparts."

Positive influences

Skyy Hinson, Managing Editor
March 3, 2020
TOGETHER WE STAND: March is a month where women and their contributions and hardships are acknowledged and celebrated.

Women’s History Month

Skyy Hinson, Managing Editor
March 2, 2020
APPRECIATION: Special thanks to CEO/President Dr. Banks and other administrators and staff who support our student publications.

SJW Day 4: Thank you!

Skyy Hinson, Managing Editor
February 28, 2020

SJW Day 3: We Can!

Skyy Hinson, Managing Editor
February 28, 2020
GROVEWATCH: Brianna Luberisse, the editor-in-chief.

SJW Day 2: Take it to the Community Day

Skyy Hinson, Managing Editor
February 25, 2020
GOING BACK INTO TIME: Ida B. Wells-Barnett was an African-American investigative journalist, educator, and an early leader in the civil rights movement. She was also one of the founders of the NAACP.

SJW Day One: Multimedia day

Skyy Hinson, Managing Editor
February 24, 2020
CONGRATS: Mrs. Pawlin published her first book on, making her the first published English/ reading instructor to do so.

There’s light at the end of the tunnel

Skyy Hinson, Managing Editor
February 17, 2020
CELEBRATING STUDENT PUBLICATIONS: During Scholastic Journalism Week. Feb. 24-28, students shed light on their publication staffs and what they do.

SJW? What’s that?

Skyy Hinson, Managing Editor
February 20, 2020

GWTV: Spring 2020- Ep. 2

Skyy Hinson, Managing Editor
February 19, 2020
BE MINE: SGA director Mrs. Pietenza accompanies students Jalen Giles, Yardine Chocetene, and Alyssa Stephens while selling Valentine's Day flower grams to students.

Love is in the air

Skyy Hinson, Editor
February 13, 2020
BRIDGING THE GAP: Operation Specialist William Wise enlightens student Jalen Giles on the possibilities and oppurtunities available afforded by the U.S Navy through brochures and  pamphlets while showcasing U.S Navy souvenirs.

Sir, yes sir

Skyy Hinson, Editor
February 13, 2020
GET ACTIVE: Polls are where the student body can survey whatever it is that the question is asking and is located on the left side of the screen under ‘recent scores’.

Stay updated

Skyy Hinson, Editor
January 29, 2020
Advanced journalism students attended the 39th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Breakfast, where influential figures throughout Palm Beach County were in attendance, as well as students around West Palm Beach whom received awards for their contributions.

Keeping the legacy alive

Skyy Hinson, Staff Writer
January 28, 2020

Behind the radicals

Skyy Hinson, Staff Writer
May 30, 2018

Taking care of business

Skyy Hinson, Staff Writer
May 25, 2018
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An event to remember

Skyy Hinson, Staff Writer
May 25, 2018
GRAB THE TISSUES: Rose Courage and Michelle Lahens step foot on Inlet Grove for the last time as they finished their rehearsal for their graduation. They were rewarded with cores and awards for their achievements such as Multimedia, SIC Club, SGA, Medical, Key Club, Merit,  and for being a scholar.

On to better things

Skyy Hinson, Staff Writer
May 25, 2018
QUIET DOWN: Ms. Bell shares a bit about how she became a librarian, her childhood growing up in north Philadelphia in a Catholic household, and the obstacles she went through to finish school without coming from an academic background.

Behind the books

Skyy Hinson, Staff Writer
May 17, 2018
THANK YOU: In recognition of Teacher Appreciation Day, these photos show them doing their day-to-day job of caring for students and making sure that no child is ever left behind. The photos also show how much they mean to us students.

We love you teachers

Skyy Hinson, Staff Writer
May 8, 2018
BACKLIGHTING: Advanced Journalism students took photos to demonstrate backlighting, which is illumination from behind. In other words, the light source is behind the subject, making pictures appear dark from the front.

Hey, delete that backlighting

Skyy Hinson, Staff Writer
April 24, 2018
STOP FRYING YOUR BRAIN CELLS: Studies have shown that students ranging from 9th grade to the 12th prefer smoking marijuana rather than cigarettes. Both are unhealthy choices.

Be smart, don’t start

Skyy Hinson, Staff Writer
April 12, 2018

The cemeteries are full!

Skyy Hinson, Staff Writer
March 28, 2018
DR. SPECTOR: He prefers sitting on the desk in his Science classes to be "closer to a meeting of equals" with his students.

Getting into science

Skyy Hinson, Staff Writer
March 9, 2018
All about SGA

All about SGA

Skyy Hinson, Staff Writer
March 9, 2018
CONGRATULATIONS: Student-athlete Jordan Hall was joined in the media center by friends, family, and faculty to honor and celebrate her committing to Brewton-Parker college and all of her accomplishments.

Signing Day: Jordan Hall

Skyy Hinson, Staff Writer
March 2, 2018
OUR HISTORY : This photo represents a few African-Americans that paved the way for all of us to be equal.

Be black and be proud

Skyy Hinson, Staff Writer
February 28, 2018
CLASS ACTION: Pre-Law instructor Dr. Kerkhoff's students experienced meet-and-greets with judges, bailiffs and K-9 dogs, and observed the closing arguments in a criminal trial, May 4 during the “Law Week” activities at the Palm Beach County Courthouse.

What an honor, Your Honor

Skyy Hinson, Staff Writer
May 9, 2017
Courtesy of

Grab your gavels

Skyy Hinson, Staff Writer
September 6, 2016
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Skyy Hinson